Web Accessibility Statement
Accessibility in the context of disability is using universal design to create programs, services, and activities which can be utilized by all individuals, regardless of disability. To access is to enter into, participate in, and engage with the Michigan State University experience.
Michigan State University is committed to providing accessible digital materials for persons with disabilities.
The MSU Web Accessibility Policy defines the accessibility requirements for university websites and web-delivered content. The current Technical Guidelines require that pages meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at Conformance Level AA.
Content that Michigan State has created that is not fully accessible to individuals with disabilities can be reported to the Digital Content & Accessibility team through the inaccessible digital content report form.
Reports can be made anonymously or with an email and/or MSU NetID attached. Reports that include contact information may be easier for the Digital Content & Accessibility Team to follow up on and resolve the problem.
University policy prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities with respect to the benefits of and access to programs, services, and activities. Any person who believes he or she has been improperly denied the benefit of, or access to a program, service, or activity may submit a grievance. Complaint forms are available from the University's Deputy ADA Coordinator for Grievances. Please note that a decision by the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities may be appealed to the Deputy ADA Coordinator for Grievances.